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First Meeting of the Representatives of the States-Signatories to the Framework Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran, I.R. of Iran, July 19-20, 2004)

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First Meeting of the Representatives of the States-Signatories to the Framework Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran, I.R. of Iran, July 19-20, 2004)
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First Meeting of the Representatives of the States-Signatories to the
Framework Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea
(Tehran, I.R. of Iran, July 19-20, 2004)

As a result of the exchange of opinions on the draft work-plan and the discussion paper on prioritization of protocol areas, prepared by the Interim Secretariat, the meeting took the following recommendations:

Cluster I

Provide assistance to the preparation of the coming into force of the Framework Convention, which may be needed by some countries.

1. The meeting welcomed that the internal procedures needed for ratification of the Framework Convention in all Caspian countries have started, and expressed the hope that all countries will be able to finish the process within the shortest time possible. At the request of a party, expert support will be provided by the Interim Secretariat.

2. The meeting requested the Interim Secretariat to prepare Rules of Procedures and financial rules for discussion and adoption at a first meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP). The documents will be prepared for discussion at a Government nominated experts meeting, hosted by the Russian Federation before the end of the year.

3. The meeting requested the Interim Secretariat to provide the Caspian countries with a preliminary estimate of the cost of the Permanent Secretariat, pending the preparation of a full fledge Secretariat arrangement and budget for consideration at the first meeting of the COP.

Cluster II

Develop ancillary agreements to the Framework Convention.

4. The Meeting requested the Interim Secretariat to initiate the development of a biodiversity protocol, taking into account the ongoing work of the Caspian countries on the draft agreement on Bioresources Conservation and Management, and paying special attention to the issue of invasive species. To that extent, the Interim Secretariat will prepare an analytical paper for consideration by a meeting of Government designated experts.