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Loan Agreement For Carec Transport Corridor (Zhambyl Oblast) Improvement Project Between Japan International Cooperation Agency And The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Tokyo, August 23, 2010) |
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Loan Agreement
CAREC Transport Corridor (Zhambyl Oblast) Improvement Project
Japan International Cooperation Agency
The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(Tokyo, August 23, 2010)
Table of Contents
Article I Loan
Section 1. Amount and Purpose of Loan
Section 2. Use of Proceeds of Loan
Article II Repayment, Interest and Commitment Charge
Section 1. Repayment of Principal
Section 2. Interest and Method of Payment thereof
Section 3. Commitment Charge and Method of Payment thereof
Section 4. Insufficient Payment
Article III Particular Covenants
Section 1. General Terms and Conditions
Section 2. Procurement Procedure
Section 3. Disbursement Procedure
Section 4. Administration of Loan
Section 5. Notices and Requests
Schedule 1 Description of Project
Schedule 2 Allocation of Proceeds of Loan
Schedule 3 Amortization Schedule
Schedule 4 Procurement Procedure
Schedule 5 Commitment Procedure
Schedule 6 Transfer Procedure
Loan Agreement No. KAZ-P6, dated ________________ 2010, between Japan International Cooperation Agency and The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On the basis of the Exchange of Notes between The Government of Japan and The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated __________ 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the «Exchange of Notes») concerning a Japanese loan to be extended with a view to promoting the economic stabilization and development efforts of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereinafter referred to as «JICA») and The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the «Borrower») herewith conclude the following Loan Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the «Loan Agreement», which includes all agreements supplemental hereto).
Article I
Section 1. Amount and Purpose of Loan
JICA agrees to lend the Borrower an amount not exceeding SIX BILLION THREE HUNDRED SIXTY ONE MILLION Japanese Yen (¥6,361,000,000) as principal for the implementation of CAREC Transport Corridor (Zhambyl Oblast) Improvement Project described in Schedule 1 attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the «Projectә) in the form of co-financing with CAREC Transport Corridor I (Zhambyl Oblast Section) (Western Europe-Western People’s Republic of China International Transit Corridor) Investment Program - Project 3 extended by ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (hereinafter referred to as «ADB»), on the terms and conditions set forth in the Loan Agreement and in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of Japan (hereinafter referred to as the «Loan»); provided, however, that when the cumulative total of disbursements under the Loan Agreement reaches the said limit, JICA shall make no further disbursement.
Secfion2. Use of Proceeds of Loan